Meet Julie

Dynamically, Julie offers 1:1 hands on sessions,  Fascial Maneuvers & Spin-flow  classes. With over 3 decades experience as a RMT (Registered Massage Therapist) she incorporates Fascial Maneuvers and their hands-on adaptations and wisdom to facilatate healing to all she touches. Let's get inspired, energized, and fueled to transform together!

Julie  has been teaching SPIN Classes for 17 years. She started teaching ON-line in 2020 as a result of the pandemic and loves it. As a healthcare practitioner and a life-long fitness advocate she strives to create the most benefit from exercise while minimizing cost to the body. This is from where SPIN-Flow classes evolved. They are a fun, high energy, go at your own pace, non-competitive class for all ages who have some baseline cardiovascular health.